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(Another problem boy becomes teacher's pet) (We love our teacher.--Dem machines) (New Deal) (Third term) (Federal investigation threats) (Harmony slate) (Third term indorsements by Dem. political machines) (Illinois Democrats)  
(Among my souvenirs) (The big 1918 stack of red, white, and blue.) "Did I hear someone say: 'Take a hand'?" (I.O.U. England, France, Italy) (I.O.U. Russia, Austria) (To Senator Rush D. Holt with best wishes)
(All's too quiet on the home front.) (Pop) (Bang) "It's a funny war." (Europe) (Administration) (Public) "What about this one?" (Jobless) (U.S. war against continued unemployment.)
"Ain't I a scream!  But ya' can't blame me for howlin'!  I might as well put out a few zero's too!  The gov't! uses 'em by the million and thinks nothin' of it!" "And the way things are going the most of us will have to work ten years just to get back up to nothin'!" "Wanta' know sum'pin?  We can start right now here in our own backyard!" (Vote Nov. 4th) "We can step right up to the polls and elect Rush D. Holt Governor of our great state!"
("A West Virginia right!") "Oh boy when I give 'em this!" "Hey Maw!  Pops makin' like Mr. America! (1 vote) (Rush Holt for Governor)
(A needed push.) (WPA)  (Politics) (Sheppard Committee Report) (Soap)
(A high school graduate at fourteen years of age!) (Diploma Rush Dew Holt.) (Received his education in public schools of Lewis County!)
(A greater menace!) (Atlantic ocean) (American public) (War profiteer)
(A fine romance, my friends, this is!) (Home sweet home (until Nov. 3rd).) (Kump Administration) (Democratic love seat) (Sen. Neely)
(A condition at home that needs attention.) (Europe) (The administration) (Domestic Problems) (U.S.) (To Senator Rush D. Holt with best wishes of Messner, Rochester Times-Union)