(Formerly a school teacher, Holt has taught West Virginians a lot about how the utility interests control legislation at the tax-payers' expense.) (The railroad men are backing him.) "He gets my vote." "Mine too." (Teacher) (Holt, as Senator, will give the agricultural interests his ardent support.) "He's got organized labor with him." (Rush D. Holt, Democratic nominee to the U.S. Senate) (This brilliant young legislator carries the New Deal banner proudly and high, and his courage, candor, and sincerity have won the confidence of West Virginia voters.  His record in the state legislature in behalf of labor, agriculture, and the miners, "stands out in blazing letters, so he who runs may read".) (Like Henry Clay, Rush got an early start.) (Mills -- factories) "Holt is for a better standard of living for working men." "He taught our kids in school and he battled for us in the state legislature.  He'll be a good man for us to have in the U.S. Senate in Washington." (Pres. Roosevelt) (A friend of the miners)  

Democratic Nominee to the U.S. Senate