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(Third term talk) (F.D.R.)

31. Sphinx

(1600 Pennsylvania Ave.) "What do you consider your permanent home?" (F.D.R.) (1940 census) (Speaking of Personal Questions.)
(Speaking of  "cockeyed" suggestions!) "There's more where that came from!" "These days are great for me!" (Money for war) (Congress) (Mars) (Having broken all peacetime records for appropriations for the army and the navy, and with the prospect that the total for national defense will run over $2,000,000,000 next year --) "We'll have to economize on you folks!" (Congress) (The champions of "economy" in Congress now say they must "economize by slashing the appropriations for relief!) (To my good friend-- Senator Rush D. Holt-- with best regards, John Baer.)
(Uncle Shylock: "Somehow, I have the strangest feeling I have been along this road before.") (The Allies are fighting your battle.) (Make the world safe for democracy.) (For Sen. Rush D. Holt with the cordial best wishes of the cartoonist.)
"Scram!  That ain't no broom Willie!"  (Rush Holt) (16 point program) "You're telling me!"
($50 million road funds) (plus flower fund) (plus state house gang) (equals no funds) (Pa W.Va.) "I'd better vote for Rush Holt."
(Safer not to crawl out on a limb.) (Aid the "democracies".) (Sanctions against aggressors) (1917)  (Entangling commitments) (Neutrality)
(Rush Holt's father was a very well known country doctor and also served as mayor of Weston!) (Treated six generations of same family!) (Editor Weston Republican!) (Accompanied many times by his wife, Lela!)
"Look!  Ain't that hoppa-long Marland the bull throwing champ?" "Yeah!  For the past four years that outfit tried to make the public believe in Santa Claus!" "Every campaign has its clowns!" "Got any saddle soap?" "All we've got is soft soap." "Rush Holt will hogtie Willie on Nov. 4th!" "I've been with this act a long time but I've got a feeling this outfit is heading for the last roundup!"
"All we've had so far is promises!" (Rusty equip.) "Oh man!  What a mess!  Phooie!" ($50 million) (Elect Rush Holt Governor.) "Neighbor here's our only hope!" "Rush Holt will build us some decent roads!"