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(Squawk) "Sam's a swell friend!  Here he is protesting against me seizing his ships and tampering with his mail.  He won't even swallow my propaganda or discuss a loan any more."

101. Squawk

(A needed push.) (WPA)  (Politics) (Sheppard Committee Report) (Soap)
(No wonder he leans on his shovel!) (Candidates to vote for) (Political Abuse) (WPA)
(All's too quiet on the home front.) (Pop) (Bang) "It's a funny war." (Europe) (Administration) (Public) "What about this one?" (Jobless) (U.S. war against continued unemployment.)
(Among my souvenirs) (The big 1918 stack of red, white, and blue.) "Did I hear someone say: 'Take a hand'?" (I.O.U. England, France, Italy) (I.O.U. Russia, Austria) (To Senator Rush D. Holt with best wishes)
(Sprouting again) "Hm-m" (Third term talk) (U.S. public) (Two term precedent)
(I tank I go home!) "Good luck to you, bill...and now I go home for a real rest..." (Neutrality bill) (Amendments) "Hey! What about us?" (Farm Subsidy) (Budget changes) (Relief program) (Defense outlay) (To Senator Rush D. Holt--with the best wishes of Harry Bressler.  November 10, 1939.)
(Administrative set-up) (Bituminous Coal Commission) (F.D.R.'s gov't reorganization) (Clinkers) (To Senator Rush D. Holt, with all good wishes.)

108. Clinkers

(Relief Rolls) "Harry, it's sorta a coincidence that it reached its peak on election day, isn't it?" (Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.) (Harry Hopkins) (Taxpayer)
(A fine romance, my friends, this is!) (Home sweet home (until Nov. 3rd).) (Kump Administration) (Democratic love seat) (Sen. Neely)
(Last Fall's Elections) (WPA cash) (Hopkins) (Congress) "That money was to last 'til March, Harry." "Well, we had to rush this project, Senator."
(The only platform he seems to need nowadays.) (candidate) (U.S. Treasury)  
(The Fiery Cross Burns Again.) (Terrorism) (Right of free speech and free assembly.) (Hoodlums attack on Sen. Holt's Meetings.) (West Virginia)
(Democracy's three enemies) (Communism) (soap) (Government and Industry) (Fascism) (Force) (Indifferent voter) (Election Issues)
(Wary) (White House Correspondents) (Politicians) (Public) (Third Term Decision)

115. Wary

(One good term deserves another.) (1953) "Bet he's dreamin' Holt's elected." (zRushz z [sleeping])  (Statehouse Gang)
(Hallowe'en 1938.) (New Deal hydro-electric power competition.) (Cheap imported fuel oil competition.) (The coal industry.) (Ringg-gg-ggg!) (New Deal congressional candidates.)
(Reorganization) (Gov't Expenses) (Spending) (To Senator Holt with best wishes.)

119. Contract

"Must be talkin about me!" "Let's join up with Rush Holt and go after him!" (Waste in state gov't.)
(Admiral William D. Leahy takes up his residence--and vigil--in the Caribbean.)
(Do I feel a draft?) (Third term open question.) (Newspaper. "President Roosevelt will not seek a third term unless drafted." Jim Farley.) (To Senator Rush D. Holt with best wishes.  Paul Plaschke.)
(Guffey going-away glee club.  Wheeler, Van Nuys, Burke, O'Mahoney, Holt.) (Democratic harmony series.  Music arranged by Farley-Guffey Company Inc. 1937.) "I don't care if you never come back."
"Are you going to use that sponge or do you want Auntie Jezebel to scrub you?" (Nationalization of mines.)  (The Coal Commission.) (Coal Industry.) (Guffey-Vinson Law.) (Which shall it be?)
(As getting up time approaches.) "I'm in favor of setting the alarm forward four years." "Why not eight more?" "Or twelve?" "Or sixteen?" (2-Term precedent) (Soft New Deal Jobs)
(Experts who know that nations don't have to be drawn into wars unless they want to be drawn in.) "Gentleman, there are people in Washington who act as if this country must inevitably be drawn into a european war - if there is one.  Will you please explain for their benefit, that it is quite possible to remain neutral, keep entirely out of the war and retain your own as well as the world's respect, even if the war is 4000 miles nearer than the U.S." (N.Y. Fair) (Norway) (Denmark) (Sweden) (Holland) (Swiss) (The highly respected war neutrals of 1914-1918.) (McCutcheon [signature]. Copyright 1939 by Chicago Tribune.) (To Senator Rush D. Holt with the best wishes of John T. McCutcheon.)
(Highlights of headline news.  News in the name with a slogan for fame.) ("Roosevelt for President, and for Vice-President Mr. Ickes, and no party can lick us.") (Yes [No] third term.) (Roosevelt must or Democratic Party bust.) ("Our young dignified U.S. Senator makes a dignified political poster.") (Raise High Our Leader's Third Term. [RHOLT acronym]) (Charles Levinson, 2450 Broadway N.Y.C., NY Dec. 31, 1939.)
(Sweep it clean) (Holt for governor)
"Come on Willie you've got larn'gitis!" [Laryngitis] "Yea Holt!" (Debate today!) (W.Va.)
"Sh-hh! It's his until he finds us!" "Bah!  I'm tired of this game!  I'm going to Rush Holt's meeting!" "Ray for Rush!" (Meeting house secret) (Well known bag co.) ("PA")